SNSD Menerima Penghargaan Video Of The Year di "YouTube Music Awards"

Girls ‘Generation “I Got a Boy” telah memenangkan Video of the Year di’ YouTube Music Awards ‘
Mereka mengalahkan  Justin Bieber, One Direction, dan Selena Gomez untuk memenangkan kategori terbesar tahun ini.
Pemenang ditentukan oleh penggemar yang men-share video tersebut, selama masa vote berlangsung. Dan tentu saja, Tiffany terlihat cantik berada di sana untuk menerima penghargaan mewakili seluruh member.
Selamat untuk Girls ‘Generation!

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Hello, my name is Rania. I'm an EXO-L, an ERIGOM. I created this blog as appreciation to EXO for all the joy and inspiration I get from them. I want the world to know these bunch of multi-talented individuals with equally amazing personalities. I wish they continue to make music for a long time and I will stay as an EXO-L for as long as there is EXO. We Are One! xoxo^^♡