Kim Seok Jin a.ka Car Door Guy

Kala BTS hadir di red carpet acara Melon Music Awards 7 November 2016. Banyak fans yang kepo dengan cowok ganteng yang keluar dari mobil pertama kali. Mereka kemudian search: 'car door guy (cowok pintu mobil)'. 👀


it was Kim Seokjin TT_TT 😂

Jin has always looked this good
the people who know him, know about his visuals long time ago

but that day, he really shined
I was so proud and happy for him

Since Saturday, people were making a fuss about him
and "guy who opened the car's doors" 
(T/N: "Cha Moonnam" in Korean or Car Door Guy) 
were even in the popular search words
I thought it was someone's name at first but after searching it I realized that they were talking about the Melon Awards red carpet

when he got out of the car, everyone was so shocked by his visuals 
and that's how he became Cha Moonnam

Seokjin arrived!

he just let a sigh towards the sky

I'm seriously going crazy TT_TT


Aku pun juga ikutan kepo wkwk😃 

tak dikenal tapi ganteng:'v ✌

AKu rapopo

cr:, Kaiiyeopta


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Hello, my name is Rania. I'm an EXO-L, an ERIGOM. I created this blog as appreciation to EXO for all the joy and inspiration I get from them. I want the world to know these bunch of multi-talented individuals with equally amazing personalities. I wish they continue to make music for a long time and I will stay as an EXO-L for as long as there is EXO. We Are One! xoxo^^♡